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Query Expressions


This page covers the components of an expression, including declarations, operators, and functions.


In the Query DSL, for example, you can pass a lambda expression representing the search criteria to the where function.

QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.addressId eq 1 }

We call such lambda expressions declarations. All declarations are defined as typealias in the org.komapper.core.dsl.expression package.

Used with the values and set functions.
Used with the having function.
Used with the on function.
Used with the When function.
Used with the where function.

These declarations are composable.


The + operator constructs a new declaration that executes its operands in sequence:

val w1: WhereDeclaration = {
    a.addressId eq 1
val w2: WhereDeclaration = {
    a.version eq 1
val w3: WhereDeclaration = w1 + w2 // +演算子の利用
val query: Query<List<Address>> = QueryDsl.from(a).where(w3)
val list: List<Address> = db.runQuery { query }
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID = ? and t0_.VERSION = ?

The + operator is available in all declarations.


The and function constructs a new declaration that concatenates its receiver and argument with the AND predicate:

val w1: WhereDeclaration = {
    a.addressId eq 1
val w2: WhereDeclaration = {
    a.version eq 1
    or { a.version eq 2 }
val w3: WhereDeclaration = w1.and(w2) // and関数の利用
val query: Query<List<Address>> = QueryDsl.from(a).where(w3)
val list: List<Address> = db.runQuery { query }
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID = ? and (t0_.VERSION = ? or (t0_.VERSION = ?))

The and function can be applied to Having, When, and Where declarations.


The or function constructs a new declaration that concatenates its receiver and argument with the OR predicate:

val w1: WhereDeclaration = {
    a.addressId eq 1
val w2: WhereDeclaration = {
    a.version eq 1
    a.street eq "STREET 1"
val w3: WhereDeclaration = w1.or(w2) // or関数の利用
val query: Query<List<Address>> = QueryDsl.from(a).where(w3)
val list: List<Address> = db.runQuery { query }
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID = ? or (t0_.VERSION = ? and t0_.STREET = ?)

The or function can be applied to Having, When, and Where declarations.

Comparison operators

Comparison operators are available in the Having, On, When, and Where Declarations.

If null is passed as an argument to a comparison operator, the operator is not evaluated. That is, the corresponding SQL will not be generated:

val nullable: Int? = null
val query = QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.addressId eq nullable }

Thus, when the above query is executed, the following SQL will be issued:

select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.addressId eq 1 }
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID = ?


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.addressId notEq 1 }
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID <> ?


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.addressId less 1 }
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID < ?


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.addressId lessEq 1 }
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID <= ?


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.addressId greater 1 }
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID > ?


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.addressId greaterEq 1 }
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID >= ?


QueryDsl.from(e).where { e.managerId.isNull() }


QueryDsl.from(e).where { e.managerId.isNotNull() }
select t0_.EMPLOYEE_ID, t0_.EMPLOYEE_NO, t0_.EMPLOYEE_NAME, t0_.MANAGER_ID, t0_.HIREDATE, t0_.SALARY, t0_.DEPARTMENT_ID, t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.VERSION from EMPLOYEE as t0_ where t0_.MANAGER_ID is not null


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.street like "STREET 1_" }.orderBy(a.addressId)
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.STREET like ? escape ? order by t0_.ADDRESS_ID asc


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.street notLike "STREET 1_" }.orderBy(a.addressId)
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.STREET not like ? escape ? order by t0_.ADDRESS_ID asc


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.street startsWith "STREET 1" }.orderBy(a.addressId)
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.STREET like ? escape ? order by t0_.ADDRESS_ID asc


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.street notStartsWith "STREET 1" }.orderBy(a.addressId)
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.STREET not like ? escape ? order by t0_.ADDRESS_ID asc


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.street contains "T 1" }.orderBy(a.addressId)
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.STREET like ? escape ? order by t0_.ADDRESS_ID asc


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.street notContains "T 1" }.orderBy(a.addressId)
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.STREET not like ? escape ? order by t0_.ADDRESS_ID asc


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.street endsWith "1" }.orderBy(a.addressId)
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.STREET like ? escape ? order by t0_.ADDRESS_ID asc


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.street notEndsWith "1" }.orderBy(a.addressId)
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.STREET not like ? escape ? order by t0_.ADDRESS_ID asc


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.addressId between 5..10 }.orderBy(a.addressId)
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID between ? and ? order by t0_.ADDRESS_ID asc


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.addressId notBetween 5..10 }.orderBy(a.addressId)
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID not between ? and ? order by t0_.ADDRESS_ID asc


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.addressId inList listOf(9, 10) }.orderBy(a.addressId.desc())
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID in (?, ?) order by t0_.ADDRESS_ID desc

The inList operator also accepts a subquery.

QueryDsl.from(e).where {
    e.addressId inList {
            .where {
                e.addressId eq a.addressId
                e.employeeName like "%S%"
select t0_.EMPLOYEE_ID, t0_.EMPLOYEE_NO, t0_.EMPLOYEE_NAME, t0_.MANAGER_ID, t0_.HIREDATE, t0_.SALARY, t0_.DEPARTMENT_ID, t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.VERSION from EMPLOYEE as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID in (select t1_.ADDRESS_ID from ADDRESS as t1_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID = t1_.ADDRESS_ID and t0_.EMPLOYEE_NAME like ? escape ?)


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.addressId notInList (1..9).toList() }.orderBy(a.addressId)
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID not in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) order by t0_.ADDRESS_ID asc

The notInList operator also accepts a subquery.

QueryDsl.from(e).where {
    e.addressId notInList {
        QueryDsl.from(a).where {
            e.addressId eq a.addressId
            e.employeeName like "%S%"
select t0_.EMPLOYEE_ID, t0_.EMPLOYEE_NO, t0_.EMPLOYEE_NAME, t0_.MANAGER_ID, t0_.HIREDATE, t0_.SALARY, t0_.DEPARTMENT_ID, t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.VERSION from EMPLOYEE as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID not in (select t1_.ADDRESS_ID from ADDRESS as t1_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID = t1_.ADDRESS_ID and t0_.EMPLOYEE_NAME like ? escape ?)


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.addressId to a.version inList2 listOf(9 to 1, 10 to 1) }.orderBy(a.addressId.desc())
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where (t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.VERSION) in ((?, ?), (?, ?)) order by t0_.ADDRESS_ID desc

The inList2 operator also accepts a subquery.

QueryDsl.from(e).where {
    e.addressId to e.version inList2 {
            .where {
                e.addressId eq a.addressId
                e.employeeName like "%S%"
            }.select(a.addressId, a.version)
select t0_.EMPLOYEE_ID, t0_.EMPLOYEE_NO, t0_.EMPLOYEE_NAME, t0_.MANAGER_ID, t0_.HIREDATE, t0_.SALARY, t0_.DEPARTMENT_ID, t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.VERSION from EMPLOYEE as t0_ where (t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.VERSION) in (select t1_.ADDRESS_ID, t1_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t1_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID = t1_.ADDRESS_ID and t0_.EMPLOYEE_NAME like ? escape ?)


QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.addressId to a.version notInList2 listOf(9 to 1, 10 to 1) }.orderBy(a.addressId)
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where (t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.VERSION) not in ((?, ?), (?, ?)) order by t0_.ADDRESS_ID asc

The notInList2 operator also accepts a subquery.

QueryDsl.from(e).where {
    e.addressId to e.version notInList2 {
        QueryDsl.from(a).where {
            e.addressId eq a.addressId
            e.employeeName like "%S%"
        }.select(a.addressId, a.version)
select t0_.EMPLOYEE_ID, t0_.EMPLOYEE_NO, t0_.EMPLOYEE_NAME, t0_.MANAGER_ID, t0_.HIREDATE, t0_.SALARY, t0_.DEPARTMENT_ID, t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.VERSION from EMPLOYEE as t0_ where (t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.VERSION) not in (select t1_.ADDRESS_ID, t1_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t1_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID = t1_.ADDRESS_ID and t0_.EMPLOYEE_NAME like ? escape ?)


QueryDsl.from(e).where {
    exists {
        QueryDsl.from(a).where {
            e.addressId eq a.addressId
            e.employeeName like "%S%"
select t0_.EMPLOYEE_ID, t0_.EMPLOYEE_NO, t0_.EMPLOYEE_NAME, t0_.MANAGER_ID, t0_.HIREDATE, t0_.SALARY, t0_.DEPARTMENT_ID, t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.VERSION from EMPLOYEE as t0_ where exists (select t1_.ADDRESS_ID, t1_.STREET, t1_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t1_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID = t1_.ADDRESS_ID and t0_.EMPLOYEE_NAME like ? escape ?)


QueryDsl.from(e).where {
    notExists {
        QueryDsl.from(a).where {
            e.addressId eq a.addressId
            e.employeeName like "%S%"
select t0_.EMPLOYEE_ID, t0_.EMPLOYEE_NO, t0_.EMPLOYEE_NAME, t0_.MANAGER_ID, t0_.HIREDATE, t0_.SALARY, t0_.DEPARTMENT_ID, t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.VERSION from EMPLOYEE as t0_ where not exists (select t1_.ADDRESS_ID, t1_.STREET, t1_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t1_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID = t1_.ADDRESS_ID and t0_.EMPLOYEE_NAME like ? escape ?)

Logical operators

Logical operators are available in the Having, On, When, and Where Declarations.


Expressions in the declaration are implicitly concatenated using the AND operator.

QueryDsl.from(a).where {
    a.addressId greater 1
    a.street startsWith "S"
    a.version less 100
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID > ? and t0_.STREET like ? escape ? and t0_.VERSION < ?

To explicitly concatenate expression using the AND operator, pass a lambda expression to the and function.

QueryDsl.from(a).where {
  a.addressId greater 1
  and {
    a.street startsWith "S"
    a.version less 100
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID > ? and (t0_.STREET like ? escape ? and t0_.VERSION < ?)


To concatenate expressions using the OR operator, pass a lambda expression to the or function.

QueryDsl.from(a).where {
  a.addressId greater 1
  or {
    a.street startsWith "S"
    a.version less 100
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID > ? or (t0_.STREET like ? escape ? and t0_.VERSION < ?)


To use the NOT operator, pass a lambda expression to the not function.

QueryDsl.from(a).where {
    a.addressId greater 5
    not {
        a.addressId greaterEq 10
select t0_.ADDRESS_ID, t0_.STREET, t0_.VERSION from ADDRESS as t0_ where t0_.ADDRESS_ID > ? and not (t0_.ADDRESS_ID >= ?) order by t0_.ADDRESS_ID asc

Arithmetic operators

The following operators are available as arithmetic operators:

  • +
  • -
  • *
  • /
  • %

These operators are defined in org.komapper.core.dsl.operator.

The following is an example of using the + operator:

QueryDsl.update(a).set {
    a.version eq (a.version + 10)
}.where {
    a.addressId eq 1
update ADDRESS as t0_ set VERSION = (t0_.VERSION + ?) where t0_.ADDRESS_ID = ?

String functions

The following functions are available as string functions:

  • concat
  • substring
  • lower
  • upper
  • trim
  • ltrim
  • rtrim

These functions are defined in org.komapper.core.dsl.operator.

The following is an example of using the concat function:

QueryDsl.update(a).set {
  a.street eq (concat(concat("[", a.street), "]"))
}.where {
  a.addressId eq 1
update ADDRESS as t0_ set STREET = (concat((concat(?, t0_.STREET)), ?)) where t0_.ADDRESS_ID = ?

Aggregate functions

The following functions are available as aggregate functions:

  • avg
  • count
  • sum
  • max
  • min

These functions are defined in org.komapper.core.dsl.operator.

The expression obtained by the aggregate function call is intended to be used with the having or select function:

    .having {
        count(e.employeeId) greaterEq 4L
    .select(e.departmentId, count(e.employeeId))
select t0_.DEPARTMENT_ID, count(t0_.EMPLOYEE_ID) from EMPLOYEE as t0_ group by t0_.DEPARTMENT_ID having count(t0_.EMPLOYEE_ID) >= ? order by t0_.DEPARTMENT_ID asc


select avg(t0_.ADDRESS_ID) from ADDRESS as t0_


To generate a SQL count(*), call the count function with no arguments:

select count(*) from ADDRESS as t0_

It is possible to pass a metamodel property to the count function:

select count(t0_.STREET) from ADDRESS as t0_


select sum(t0_.ADDRESS_ID) from ADDRESS as t0_


select max(t0_.ADDRESS_ID) from ADDRESS as t0_


select min(t0_.ADDRESS_ID) from ADDRESS as t0_

CASE expressions

To use a CASE expression, call the case function:

val caseExpression = case(
      a.street eq "STREET 2"
      a.addressId greater 1
) { literal("NO HIT") }
val list: List<Pair<String?, String?>> = db.runQuery {
  QueryDsl.from(a).where { a.addressId inList listOf(1, 2, 3) }
    .select(a.street, caseExpression)
select t0_.street, case when t0_.street = ? and t0_.address_id > ? then 'HIT' else 'NO HIT' end from address as t0_ where t0_.address_id in (?, ?, ?) order by t0_.address_id asc

Scalar subqueries

A query that returns a scalar using an aggregate function is a scalar subquery. The scalar subquery can be passed to the select function of another query:

val subquery = QueryDsl.from(e).where { d.departmentId eq e.departmentId }.select(count())
val query = QueryDsl.from(d)
    .select(d.departmentName, subquery)
select t0_.department_name, (select count(*) from employee as t1_ where t0_.department_id = t1_.department_id) from department as t0_ order by t0_.department_id asc


To embed a value directly into SQL as a literal without binding variable, call the literal function.

These functions are defined in org.komapper.core.dsl.operator.

The literal function supports the following argument types:

  • Boolean
  • Int
  • Long
  • String

Here is an example of literal function usage:

QueryDsl.insert(a).values {
  a.addressId eq 100
  a.street eq literal("STREET 100")
  a.version eq literal(100)
insert into ADDRESS (ADDRESS_ID, STREET, VERSION) values (?, 'STREET 100', 100)
Last modified March 11, 2022: Update the title and linkTitle (cf9ed4f)